Monday, May 16, 2016

After the First Week of Class in Summer 2016

Students in the BUS237 Comp Lab.
The first day of class for the summer 2016 semester started on the week beginning on May 9 for students in Fraser International College at Simon Fraser University. There are about two hundred and fifty new students in FIC this semester. I am also glad to start the new semester with many familiar faces. Like previous semesters, I will be teaching the BUS237 Introduction to Computer Information Systems for Business from the first week onwards. And the other Pre-Masters Program classes will only start on week three. So, summer is going to be a pretty busy semester for me in terms of instructions and support from week three.

Getting ready for first day lecture
Personally, the first week was more about getting familiar with the students, discussing about the course workload, responsibilities and components of the course as a whole. I would like to set the path for students right from the start. We also talk about course requirements, responsibilities, procedures and policies. My aim is to make sure every student understand the opportunities and benefits of the course and are able to achieve the best results possible within these similar circumstances. The students too are pretty eager to get the semester started and have shown great enthusiasm. I am pleased and satisfied with the first week of classes.

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