Friday, March 31, 2017

BUS216 Final Presentations

Giving Full Attention
The whole of week twelve was scheduled for major team presentations. The presentations started on Tuesday with two sessions. One in the morning and the other in the afternoon. Then followed with another two sessions, one each on Thursday and Friday. All together there were twenty eight teams of fours and fives doing the presentations. The students in the BUS216 Business Communication course have learned the process of gathering information, writing and composing the content, and finally delivering the presentation which are part of the required deliverables of the course.

Getting Ready
The presentation is an opportunity for them to practice their newly learned skills. These practical sessions provides them a platform to perform in front of their peers and at the same time being evaluated on their efforts and their ability to work as a team. The course also provides them the working experience that is required when working in teams. They grow through the process. Going through the four phases of team building. Most team collaborated well and delivered exceptionally polished presentations.

Some teams still needs to improve. All of which are typical of a class. Most of their research work, writing and practices were conducted in class with the course instructor monitoring and guiding them each step of the process. This course requires a lot of interaction between the students and with the course instructor. Thus, allowing the students to build their confidence and improve on their communication skills.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Peer Education

With Peer Educators
Week twelve is the last week for peer education and also the last week for all other student support activities. After this week, the students will need time to prepare for their final exams. And so do the students that served as peer educators. I have the privileged to work with the peer educators every semester. Because I require my students in the courses that I teach to seek support with the peer educators every semester. And in return, the peer educators have provided excellent support to their fellow students.

Before the semester draws to another close, final exams will be taking place and after that, students will be heading home for a well deserved vacation. But some of these students have volunteered to help with the next semester's orientation. These are the students that will not be going home nor travelling to vacation destinations. I applaud these student leaders, they are so dedicated to supporting a good cause.

Friday, March 10, 2017

SFU's Bangladesh Students Club Cultural Exchange

The Korean Students Club Drum Trope
I was invited by one of the committee member of the Bangladesh Students Club to attend their cultural exchange night in Simon Fraser University. The cultural exchange included dance, music, songs, and fashion performance put together by other international students within the SFU international students' community. I did not stay for too long as the night was getting colder by the minute in the outdoor convocation hall.

Korean Students Club Members
But I had the opportunity to mingle with some of the international students that were there. I especially liked the performance by the Korean student club which was a traditional drum trope where the musicians were dressed in traditional Korean attire. Other than that I enjoyed watching the individual students in their dance and singing performance. Many of which also dressed in their traditional or national attires.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Snowed in March

Snowed Again
Very unusual but it happened. It has been a very long time since I last experienced snow in March. Especially in Vancouver. Although, I have not lived in Vancouver very long in comparison with many of my colleagues, listening from their conversations, I gathered that snowing in Vancouver at this time of the year is considered very odd. This winter, I have not counted but it seems to have been many snow days. Some of which caused the campus to closed.

Students in Class on a Snow Day
In spite of the early morning snow, I have full attendance in both my business and math class. During this time of the semester with assignments and midterms looming anytime before the end of the semester, students are ready in their action mode. Ever ready to seize any opportunity to improve on their chance for better grades. So, attending class is one of the students' top priority. At least to salvage whatever attendance and participation marks they could to make up for any lost marks on the other course components.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Mid Spring Semester

Spring 2017 BUS216 Class
At this time of the semester, students would have settled in their courses and be in the midst of preparing for their course deliverables. Mid term exams and assignment due dates would be the other course components that they have to focus on. Student life is practically a repetition every semester, especially when it comes to fulfilling the requirements to earned their desired degrees. At this time also, they are most stressed, mentally and physically.

I always encourage the students in my classes to take things easy. Plan everything ahead and spread out the workload. Managing time and workload is a necessary skill to acquire in university. And what better time to learn and practice when the students are still in university. University life can be fun, if planned properly. When I was a university student, I travelled with my friends when there were opportunities to do so.

Working on In Class Assignment
Other than their course work, I teach my students to be positive and accept responsibilities. This is the time for them to learn and have fun doing it. This semester, I am tasked with two courses. And with six sections, it is a full load for me. I enjoy every minute of it because I plan ahead and manage my time evenly. Although, I hardly have time for friends and miss my dining adventures a lot. But still get rare opportunities to dine with my friends anytime possible.