UCC Fall 2016 Organizing Committee |
The Universal Case Competition for the Fall 2016 semester has attracted a larger crowd than the previous few semesters. Today, I was in attendance at the semester's first workshop to promote the case competition. From my observations there were a large crowd of students doing registration in the presentation room. At the workshop, the UCC committee shared some of their experiences, competition features, and benefits of the Case Competition to the participants. At the end of the presentations, they also confirmed the students' participations. We could actually make up at least fifteen participating teams from the number of students we had in the classroom, which is a record if the organizing committee successfully confirmed them all for the competition.
Participants of UCC Fall 2016 |
Previously, the largest participation number was thirteen teams. Looks like the Case Competition is really gaining popularity in FIC and particularly students from across the different program pathways. Some of the participants were actually participants from the previous semester returning to compete again. So, we do have experienced teams competing against newly formed teams this time round. The energy and excitement among the participating teams are really positive. No matter what level of experience the competing teams have, every team will start with equal chances.
A Section of Participants |
The first workshop went really well. The Case Competition Organizing Committee members did a great job in introducing the basic features, rules and benefits of the competition. They were well prepared with their own presentations and managed the questions and answers section really well. Overall, their presentation was well planned. In the workshop, their presentations motivated potential participants and created the awareness to the potential learning opportunities available to the participants. In closing, the students were asked to confirmed their participation by registering their team names and members' names. Then, they were all invited to next weeks second workshop to learn more on presentation skills.