Saturday, November 24, 2007
Albert Seah in Jakarta for STMP Intro Seminar

Team Leaders and Sales Team

Best ever Smart Traders Mentorship Program

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Bed mites in Hong Kong
Bed mites can be very itching right to the head from the toes. Fortunately, I was only been beaten on the waist down and less than 30 different points. Unfortunately, I only realized this when I was on the way home. In the flight home I was really itching and when I look at my feet I realized bite marks.
Where could I have been beaten? It must have been in the hotel room 1504 for the past five days. My wife who was travelling with me this time had the same problem. She also had bite marks on her foot.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Malaysian Astronaut
"I'm absolutely confident about this launch. We've got a good team here, no novices," said Nikolai Zaglada, head of the assembly team putting together the Soyuz's sections at Baikonur cosmodrome.
Muszaphar, a doctor and part-time model, is to blast off on Wednesday with Russian cosmonaut Yury Malenchenko and American Peggy Whitson.
He will spend about nine days on the ISS before returning to Earth with its current crew.
The Soyuz, a trusted workhorse that has had about 1,800 launches in various adaptations, is manufactured in Russia and transported in sections by rail to Baikonur, a vast site on the arid plains of Kazakhstan.
Engineers on Sunday joined together the sections of the spacecraft, which is adorned with a Malaysian flag and coat of arms, and applied a final lick of paint before it is taken by rail to the launch pad.
Muszaphar has attracted interest with a promise that if possible he will observe in space the fasting regime of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Malaysian religious authorities have prepared guidelines on how to adapt the rules to life on the ISS, which circles the Earth 16 times a day, theoretically requiring a Muslim to pray 80 times a day.
Although the whole spacecraft is 50 metres (160 feet) tall on the launch pad, its three passengers will find it cramped inside their capsule, which sheds various sections as it ascends and where they will spend over 24 hours before reaching the ISS.
They will have lounge seats that have been individually fitted to their bodies and will wear space suits designed to remove waste products in the early part of the voyage, when they must stay strapped in place.
Russia is currently marking 50 years of space exploration, having celebrated on October 4 the 50th anniversary of the launch of the first ever satellite, Sputnik.
Malaysia has paid for Muszaphar's voyage as part of a billion-dollar purchase of Russian fighter jets.
Are the Malaysian tax payers sending a tourist to space?
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Buka Puasa with friends
We also had the chance to share some of our experiences and open to questions from everyone. The question and answer session went on overtime because we all got carried away and everyone wanted to contribute their experiences.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Record Breaking Smart Traders Introduction Seminar KL

Monday, October 1, 2007
PayPal cash withdrawal in Malaysia
If not than, just open a bank account in US through the internet and apply for a debit card which you can use to withdraw money from any ATM machine in Malaysia. There is another method in which you can sell your paypal money for cash through some auction websites.
Albert Seah in MBA seminar

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Special offer for Asia Internet Wealth Building Bootcamp
This is the best offer ever made for the Asia Internet Wealth Building Bootcamp with Derek Gehl. But only limited to the graduates of Internet Mentors Coaching Program and community members of Smart Traders.
This bootcamp is to take place in Subang Holiday Villa on the 3rd and 4th of November 2007 will cover a wide range of strategies and concepts that makes internet marketing an exciting business to be involved in.
People from all walks of life will be attending this content rich bootcamp and you will be able to meet other people that share common objective and common interest as you. Very diversed and rich for anyone wanting to continue learning internet marketing.
For the IMC graduates, this would be your golden opportunity to meet and learn from the very best in the world at an amazing community price. Never to be missed because you may just be new but the strategies will blow your mind. Call the office at 603 8076 1811 and reserve a seat or two at the price just meant for you.
I will see you on November 3rd and 4th in Holiday Villa Subang. Watch the video below to learn about the very special fee for the community. And the date line is 8th October 2007. So take action before you miss this.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Being negative will not get you anywhere
Just yesterday, one of the two returned to attend one of my seminar. But having recognized earlier by my staff, we were ready for him. The instructions were to disallow him from entering the seminar room.
This particular individual was one of the many participants in an Internet program we organized several years ago. He wanted more freebies after the workshop. He particularly wanted to have the DVDs that we sold during the workshop for free. When we told him that he would have to purchase it, he began to write nasty emails to us and say things that he did not really mean. We initially allowed him to attend some of our other seminars but he started writing nasty things after each one.
Yesterday, I told him that we will not be able to meet his requirements and of the things he had said about the things we do, so there is no point in attending our events as he had stated earlier in his emails that he will never come to our events anymore. I also notice that he can not take critiques, because he got real angry after that.
Lesson from this is never say bad things about others, if you have nothing good to say just shut up. This person wants to come back to the events we organize is because he found us to be the better one than others he had attended.
I would rather spend time and energy with positive people and leave the negative out of my community.
Busy Month Ahead
The week days look as busy too. With 2 different previews and one on going IMC mentorship program I am book nearly everyday right till the end of the month. Important thing is that I enjoy doing these things, being able to share with the people that have the desire to learn. That is gratifying enough for me.
Aspecially when the people I meet are positive and motivated to move ahead. Rather than spending time and effort to instill positiveness, I would rather go direct into focusing on strategies, concepts and ideas to make things happen.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Urgent humanitarian help for Uganda
I particularly felt the situation in Uganda because I was in Uganda several years ago on a honeybee research trip there. Travelled the whole of Uganda in 3 weeks and found Uganda a beautiful country with some potential natural resources but due to years of devastating wars and tribal conflicts. It would take tremendous efforts to rebuilt this country.
One of the strong resource Uganda has is its human resource. It is really populated. People everywhere. Only if something is done to help train these people with proper skills to develop their own country. The major setback in my opinion of Uganda is its location within Africa. It is situated far away from the nearest seaport. No where is the country bordering the sea and it does not even have a national airline. Not when I was there. They are just cut out from everywhere when comes to trade.
The resource that is rich in Uganda is in and around Lake Victoria. The second largest natural lake in the world. And it has the riches fresh water fish in the world. This lake is a gift from mother nature to Uganda only if they learn to benefit from it.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Picture of Albert Seah
Breakfast Network International
Since getting involved in BNI, I have conducted 4 dances with members of the chapter. As a person with most work commitment in the evenings, I am finding it a struggle to meet in the mornings of Wednesdays. But change is good.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Smart Traders Introduction Seminar in Ipoh and Penang

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Asia Internet Wealth Building Workshop
Derek with his vast experience and expertise in many different specialization have help thousands of people from around the world achieve internet marketing greatness through his company's mentorship program. Coming to Malaysia for the second year in succession, this event promises even more of his sharing into the opportunities of internet marketing.
Monday, September 10, 2007
University of East London MBA in Malaysia
The seminar, "Success with MBA" have been on going for the past 2 months with Albert Seah as the speaker have significantly help to increase awareness and promoted the course to the mass public. The seminar not only cater to answering content features of the program as a whole but all the necessary elements to successfully being an MBA holder. It covers mindset, commitment and goal setting as well.
Internet Mentors Protege Meeting
Much of the sharing session will be facilitated by a successful student of the protege program that have benefited tremendously from the learning. Starting with simple keywords research to the most puzzled element in internet marketing that is traffic and SEO.
Objective of the meeting is to support the participants that have completed the coaching sessions and to help them progress further into internet marketing. The IMC protege program is a amazing mentorship program where an individual with little or no knowledge of internet marketing is shown and taught the startegies, concepts and tools to a successful internet business. It's a step by step method in learning but success rate do differ one to the other due to the fact that acceptance to taking action is something the participants themselves will have to do.
Singapore's meeting will be September 25th.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Derek Gehl and IMC coming
Several introductory seminars have been scheduled in Kuala Lumpur and the neighbouring cities to introduce Derek. Look out for the dates and times of the previews in the local newspapers.
The organizers have promised a better and improved content to last years' workshop. Although, with additional materials and content the fees are not any larger then last year but will surprise the audience.
Internet Mentors Coaching Program
The demand for IMC have improved significantly with the inclusion of a step by step system to help students understand the right tools and strategies to include in thier internet business. Next year a all new concept of the program will be introduced to enhance the content of the program, giving it more meat.
Introductory previews shoule start sometime around January 2008.
Joel Bauer Profit Point Mastery
The master of persuasion came to town and I hosted him in an event attended by 300 people in a Hotel for 3.5 hours. He shared with the audience his experience and skills in taking control of the crowd, giving them something they have never had before and taking them to action.
This is my third casual meeting with this great guy who have helped the likes of Anthony Robbins, T Harv Eker, Mark Victor Henson, Robert G Allen and many more distinguish trainers and authors. Each time here, he shares different experiences. He continues to overwhelm large crowds with his speaking skill.